Drug Screen
A 10-13 panel drug screening to include the following substances:
marijuana, PCP, amphetamines, opiates (codeine, morphine & heroin), cocaine, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, methadone, propoxyphene, & methaqualone (Quaaludes), Opioids or synthetic opiates such as Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, Oxycodone, and Oxymorphone, Meperidine
Background Screening
7-year criminal background check
SS Trace
All counties (lived/worked/in school)
Sex Offender
Current Negative PPD TB or negative blood test results/ Chest Xray with proof of past positive TB testÂ
CDC and the National TB Controllers Association (NTCA) recommend that all U.S. health care personnel be screened for TB. Screening should include a TB risk assessment, a TB symptom screen, and a TB test. A past positive test will require a Chest Xray within the last five years along with proof of past positive test for BCG vaccination.
MMR: vaccines or positive titer
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends that persons who do not have presumptive evidence of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella should get vaccinated against these diseases with measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine or measles, mumps, rubella, varicella (MMRV) vaccine. Only combination MMR and MMRV vaccines are licensed in the United States.
Varicella: vaccines or positive titerÂ
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends that healthy people who do not have evidence of immunity to varicella should get vaccinated against this disease.
Hep B: vaccines or positive titerÂ
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends hepatitis B (HepB) vaccination among all adults aged 19–59 years and adults > 60 years with risk factors for hepatitis B or without identified risk factors but seeking protection.
In October 2014, ACIP considered Tdap revaccination of healthcare personnel. After a review of available data, ACIP maintains the current recommendation for healthcare personnel to receive a single dose of Tdap. After receipt of Tdap, a dose of Td or Tdap is recommended every 10 years.
COVID Vaccination or Exemption
Most healthcare facilities require that all staff provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination or documented medical or religious exemption. For more information regarding COVID-19 vaccination please visit COVID-19 Vaccination Clinical and Professional Resources | CDC
Annual Physical
Annual or pre-employment physicals are recommended for healthcare workers to determine the ability to complete necessary tasks associated with patient care. The exam may determine the ability to lift, pull or pull certain weights. This physical helps identify work-related injury risks.
Annual Fit-Testing for N95 Filtering Facepieces
Tight-fitting respirators must seal to the wearer’s face in order to provide expected protection. This includes disposable respirators (also called “filtering facepieces”). Therefore, fit testing is required in the US by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) before a user wears a mandatory respirator on the job, and must be assessed at least annually. In addition, fit tests should be performed:
Whenever a different size, style, model, or make of respirator is used.
When any facial changes occur that could affect fit, such as significant weight fluctuation or dental work.
For additional guidance, see COVID-19 Hospital Preparedness Assessment Tool.

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Compliance is very important!!!